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Kids take a trip to past


HT Chandigarh Live
Tuesday, 13 February, 2007

Artistes staging a play “Ascent of Man” at Tagore Theatre in Chandigarh on Monday.

Artistes perform in a play, 'The Ascent of Man Part-I', at Tagore Theatre in Chandigarh on Monday.

How man came into being. What he achieved over the course of time. The varied ages discoveries, inventions, glorious civilizations that define man’s history. All this and much more was packed in the children’s plays The Ascent of man. Staged at Tagore Theatre on Monday evening conceived, scripted and directed by Lushin Dubey and Bubbles Sabharwal, the Kidsworld production (in the city at the invitation of Durga Das Foundation) was a kaleidoscope of human past and coalesced entertainment with learning lessons. Taking off from fantasy Jessica Potter al la Harry Potter possess Histokryptostatic stone. And rubbing this she takes the audiences and the aliens back into pages of history. Thus paving the way to witness significant chapters of human past peppered with informative facts. So birth of Christianity the first printing press, Galileo laws of motion Harppan civilization Egyptian too, renaissance one after another the facts just rolled off.
As one character in the play itself says "too much of information" indeed the narrative had a bit too much of it. But then both Lushin and Bubbles believe, "Even if kids take home five percent of the knowledge even if few facts register in their minds our purpose would be serverd." Yet another motto of theirs is "let children have fun." And to that effects, special effects right from light and set design to costumes to bit of puppetry to electronic visuals to dance and music were put to judicious use.

The most refreshing part, the children actors (through the cast did comprise of adult actors too) here looked and acted like children young and innocent not pretentious ones trying to be consummate actors.

Jessica Malhotra as Jessica was lovely so was Siddhant Walia. With music by Babush Joe Santana and choreography by Norbu Tshering the little over one-hour musical show had all the ingredients that makes children's plays, including the all important moral jealousy, desire and greed take you nowhere.

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